ENDOWMENT FUND (hereinafter the “EF”) was established with an aim to permanently store, keep records of and professionally process the collection of Prof. Jindřich Štreit (hereinafter the “Collection”) and make it available to general public.
Prof. Jindřich Štreit’s Collection means a collection of paintings, sculptural and graphic works as well as drawings, photographs, artist’s books, Czech and foreign applied art works which Prof. Jindřich Štreit collected during his professional activities. A large part of the Collection includes negatives, original positive blow-ups and original artist’s books created by Prof. Jindřich Štreit The Collection also includes archival materials and documents which are also directly related to artistic and professional activities of prof. Jindřich Štreit. NF professionally processes the Collection and uses it to retrieve information for expert projects and cultural activities in the area of education and culture.
The Endowment Fund (hereinafter the “EF”) organises, independently or in cooperation with other legal entities and natural persons, expert activities focusing on books and publications as well as exhibitions and photography projects as well as projects and activities which reasonably enhance the area of education and culture. The Fund is open to professional cooperation. They lend items, documentary materials and digital data from prof. Štreit’s Collection for the purposes of exhibitions and publishing activities.
The Fund cooperates in the international project COURAGE (“Cultural Opposition: Understanding the Cultural Heritage of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries”)
The Fund establishes cultural cooperation with the Cultural Centre Zamek in Poznan by the project Sovinec as the Centre of Unofficial Czech and Slovak Culture 1974-1989. The Project is designed for the anniversary of 1989. The major part of the project is the personal history of prof. J. Štreit, his curator and organisational activities, which have not been sufficiently processed yet, during the period of “normalisation” in the 1970s and 1980s at which time the village of Sovinec became one of a few centres of independent culture in then Czechoslovakia. Štreit organised a number of monographic and group exhibitions of private works of many artists who were uncomfortable for the regime. Since it took place during a period of general political suppression and censorship, every such event was, of course, held under the supervision of the state police. It was not only considered an act of art but primarily social and political confrontation of suppressed democratic values concentrated in art with the omnipresent totalitarian regime.
In cooperation with the Czech Centre in Warsaw and the ZAMEK Cultural Center in Poznan OF THE CITY: FROM THE CZECHOSLOVAK COLLECTION OF PROF. JINDŘICH ŠTREIT
The Out of the City project builds on the At First Sight/ Selected Czech Photography Works of the 20th and 21st Century exhibition which was prepared for the Śląsk Opolski Museum in Opole in 2016. The At First Sight project provided visitors from the Opole Voivodeship with a general overview of the Czech and Moravian photography which primarily focused on the works of photographers from the Olomouc region (DOFO Group, Miloslav Stibor, Milena Valušková, Jindřich Štreit, Milena Dopitová). The Out of the City project will be a probe into Czech and Slovak art from the second half of the 20th century to the recent history from the Collection of prof. Štreit. Among others, the following artists will participate in the project: M. Blabolilová, V. Bláha, M. Bočkay, K. Boštík, L. Fára, R. Fila, D. Fischer, K. Gebauer, D. Chatrný, J. Jankovič, V. Janoušek, V. Janoušková, Č. Kafka, J. H. Kocman, V. Kokolia, S. Kolíbal, I. Kosková, K. Malich, E. Medková, K. Nepraš, A. Šimotová and others.
In cooperation with the Śląska Opolskiego Museum in Opole - CONTACT